
Supporting People with Depression, Anxiety and Stress 

This workshop focuses on three common mental health difficulties: stress, anxiety, and depression (SAD.) Besides improving awareness about the nature of SAD challenges, participants will explore practical handles to help others manage their own difficulties.


Yam Keng Mun

Current Status
Not Enrolled
SGD 600.00
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From SAD to GLAD. Helping Ourselves, Helping Others

We desire mental wellness, for ourselves, and for those we care. However, when mental health – whether ours or that of those around us – is affected, it becomes hard to concentrate at work, and many of us will avoid socialising, dealing with the emotional pain on our own. Panic attacks, restlessness and suicidal thoughts may affect some of us. Others find themselves distracted, dismayed, and discouraged. Although such experiences are normal, still we want to overcome our emotional problems. How can we help ourselves and others?

This workshop focuses on three common mental health difficulties: stress, anxiety, and depression (SAD.) Besides improving awareness about the nature of SAD challenges, participants will explore practical handles to help others manage their own difficulties. Participants will also learn how adopting positive attitudes in these areas can help regain mental wellness.

Combining self-discovery, worksheets, exercises and case studies, this workshop is for participants who enjoy interaction and practical learning to help themselves and others deal with SAD.

Target Audience
This course is suitable for participants who do not have a psychological background but wish to be understand more about depression, anxiety and stress, and to help others appropriately. 

7 hours

Workshop Topics

  • WHY is dealing with Stress, Anxiety and Depression important?

Activity: Role play to promote self-awareness and motivation to share and learn.

Yes, But WHAT?

  • What is Stress, Anxiety and Depression?
  • Similarities, and differences amongst the three
  • Stress, mood and personality
  • Panic attacks and anxiety
  • Suicide thoughts and depression.

Activity: Card games to recognise signs and symptoms, distinguish amongst the three.

Yes, But HOW and WHEN?

  • How do we deal with these three?
  • Recognizing triggers (situations, behaviours, thoughts, and feelings.)
  • Tools and handles to use
  • Behavioural and cognitive ways to minimise emotional symptoms.
  • Determining areas of GLAD (Gratitude, Love, Affirmation, and Delight.)

Activities: Case studies and exercises to explore tools for SAD, GLAD and action plans

Yes, But HOW to help others?

  • Helping others is different from helping ourselves
    • Our posture
    • Do’s and Don’ts
    • What will work and what won’t
    • Supporting others through the journey of SAD to GLAD
  • Helping others is GOOD for us too
  • Helping others and WHAT really matters

Activities: Role plays and exercises to experience important behaviours that are important to others.

Yes, But WHAT else?

  • What to do before we are not able to cope
  • Identifying personal limitations
  • Listing potential resources for professional help

Activities: Worksheet to record personal challenges and short-list expectations for further referrals. Certificate to affirm one another for completing workshop.

About the Trainer

Yam Keng Mun
Mr Yam Keng Mun has been working in different environments helping supervisors and manages develop coaching and mentoring skills. In a previous role as Executive Director of a psychological services clinic, he had assisted organisations to prepare employees for cross-cultural assignments, as well as coping with work stress. Besides organisation changes, he has supported organisations going through critical incidents, such as worksite accidents and unfortunate incidents.Graduated with a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology, Keng Mun has led groups dealing with depression, and youths who were repeat theft offenders. He helps individuals and families deal with psychosocial issues affecting their relationships too. Keng Mun has also been instrumental helping individuals and families confronted with crises and grief.

Available Funding

Normal Fees: S$600
SkillsFuture Credit: Can be used to pay course fee fully or partially
NTUC UTAP: NTUC union members enjoy 50% unfunded course fee support, capped at $250 or $500 (aged 40 years old and above)
NCSS VCF Pre- Approval Funding: $240
​​Schools & Ministries: e-invoicing via vendor.gov