
Ms Wu Pei Fen graduated with a Bachelor of Arts (Social Work and Sociology) from the National University of Singapore. She also holds the Masters in Social Work degree from the Washington University of St Louis. Other professional qualifications include: Postgraduate Diploma in Systemic Brief Therapy from Satir Institute of the Pacific Graduate Certificate in Emotional Release Counselling from Turnaround Centre For Expressive Therapies Mindfulness for Health from Breathworks (in progress).

Pei Fen is a Registered Social Worker from the Singapore Association of Singapore (SASW) as well as on the panel of Supervisors with SASW.

During her 29 years of illustrious career in social services in various social work settings, Pei Fen has worked with various clientele groups including youths-at-risks, disadvantaged families, patients with cancer and caregivers, as well as families with special needs. She was Head of Family Services at a local Autism Centre where she was pivotal in developing a team of social workers, Other roles include Senior Social Worker at National Cancer Centre, and Senior Counsellor at Eagles Mediation and Counselling Centre.

Currently, Pei Fen is an adjunct lecturer at the Singapore University Social Sciences (SUSS) where she teaches and supervises final year social work students. She also conducts talks and seminars. Pei Fen believes that practising self-care is a continual journey of self-discovery and healing that one needs to persevere in both good times and bad. In this workshop, she will share her own journey of self-care as a social work professional that is distinguished by career peaks and dotted with life challenges.