Understanding Families and Healing Relationships

Class Commencement Status: Pending

This workshop will give you an understanding of families and what leads to conflict. Participants will learn how to help restore broken relationships. Click here to register for this course


Supporting Students with School Refusal and Anger Issues

Class Commencement Status: Pending

In this workshop, participants will learn the risk and protective factors associated with emotional and behavioural issues in students. For instance, students who are rejected by peers and have negative self-image have a higher propensity to refuse school. Click here to register for this course


Supporting Students with Dyslexia and Language Difficulties

Class Commencement Status: Pending

This class is held over 2 Sat: 12 and 19 Oct, 9 am to 12.30 pm. It provides an overview of the structured literacy approach and the recommended teaching strategies to support dyslexic students and students with language-related learning disabilities in both the classroom and small group (or one-to-one) settings. Participants will learn how to […]


Supporting Youth with Self-Harm and Suicide Tendencies (Level 1)

Class Commencement Status: Pending

The workshop coverage focuses on equipping participants how to conduct a preliminary assessment of the distressed youth and to make informed follow-on actions such as immediate admission to hospital, recommendation for psychological diagnosis and treatment, etc. Click here to register for this course  


Helping Seniors Face Aging and Death

Class Commencement Status: Pending

With the steady rise of seniors in the population, services catering to their needs are becoming increasingly important. This course aims to equip those in the helping professions, whether it is educational or therapeutic, to gain a perspective of aging and death so that their services to the seniors will be relevant and effective. You […]


Working with Difficult Parents and Guardians

Class Commencement Status: Pending

The workshop starts on a lively note with participants sharing some difficult carers’ behaviours that they have encountered. Participants will learn the difficult categories of difficult carers and understand the different common family dynamics that breed and condone such behaviours.   Click here to register for this course


Grief and Loss in Children and Youth:​ Helping Them Cope with Death & Serious Illness of a Loved One

Class Commencement Status: Pending

This workshop is designed for Helping Professionals regardless whether they have psychological knowledge and background or not. This course is anchored on one key premise: The affected child still lives within a community of stakeholders. Any MEANINGFUL help rendered must consider his interaction with his environment, including parents and other professionals (such as child protection […]
